Is it Fall yet?

My blog posts have been a bit neglectful lately and for that I apologize. I've been all too consumed with relaying the thoughts floating around in my head. As a result, my tale telling has fallen by the wayside. And believe me, this is in no way an indication that we (meaning hubs and I) have been sitting around twiddling our thumbs. Our social calendar has been overflowing these pasts few weeks and I've been l.o.v.i.n.g. it.

Moving forward: Yesterday during my lunch break, I met with my sister at Starbucks to wander the grandiose King of Prussia mall. I seriously get giddy with excitement at the prospect of seasons changing. Seeing all of the warm, comfy clothing and festive decorations springing up everywhere brings about visions of pumpkin patches, brightly colored mums, and warm apple cider. Speaking of which, I tried Starbuck's caramel apple spice for the very first time and oh my! I've really been missing out. This will definitely be my drink of choice while I wait for the pumpkin spice latte to emerge from hibernation.

Does it seem too early to start the planning of a Halloween party? My sister and I also had this agenda in mind for our lunch date, although admittedly we were both too sleepy to focus on ideas. Ironically enough, I had stayed at her apartment Saturday night and a rather large, winged mouse decided to make its presence known right around 1am. Needless to say, we were up for a few more hours. This, right after her listing off every Halloween character - ghosts, zombies, witches, pumpkins, scarecrows, spiders, black cats, and BATS. It was the most comical timing ever. I think it must definitely be a sign that we should throw a masked charade!

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