Making memories.

Traditions are like making memories on repeat and there's no better time to start them than now. From my parents' Christmas creation of a themed winter wonderland to gorgeous champagne brunches, I have been blessed with an overabundance of traditions.  It's all so very bittersweet this year because it will be the first that I'm not "home" Christmas morning with my parents and sisters, but instead will be waking up next to my husband at his childhood house. These are just the things you do when you get married. And so, there's this pivotal moment in your life when you realize that maybe it's time to start making your own traditions.

Traditions we've started:
1) Selecting one new ornament together annually which we date for future amusement.
2) Popcorn and cranberries strung on the tree. Ok, okay. I definitely stole this one from my parents but it is an essential part of our tree, always and forever. And you better believe that when we have our own sweet children there will be cookies, car ride Christmas light searches, a new pair of pj's and a reading of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. There will also be a winter wonderland extravaganza waiting for them in the wee hours of the morning, and much, much more :)

So apparently we've only really managed to start one new tradition, but it's just that... a start. Many more to come, of which I am sure! We do, after all, have quite the list to build on.

Pictured here, our homemade garland and a wedding day ornament.

1 comment:

  1. It will be so fun looking back at the ornaments Tina you've chosen over the years!


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