Another version of me.

The other day, while trying to decide whether it was any semblance of a good idea to plaster a rather large photo of myself sans makeup on the internet, I realized with utter horror a huge violation of blogger code I am guilty of committing. I, amateur blogger, have failed to procure an adequate number of photos portraying my outfits, hair and/or makeup. Please forgive me as I send my most sincere apologies. Will ever you forgive me, my little beetles?

So, in an attempt to undo my rather glaring error, may I present to you...

Another version of moi.

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of meROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me
Boots: Steve Madden
Leggings: Kohls
Socks: JCPenney
Sweater, which you can't see: F21

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me
Earrings: Macy's
Scarf: c/o my Mom
Mirror: Dirty, dirty, dirty

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me
My inability to take a respectable photo via mirror reflection, seen here.

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me
ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me

ROSYRILLI.COM Another version of me

Of course, you may now think my character even more questionable. But alas, judge not too harshly. A) It is none other than my husband's fault for having to work on a Saturday and leaving me to my own devices. Yep, just me, my camera and a four-legged witness. B) Dye was not used between takes. I promise my hair is the same color at all times. I think this might just be proof of my non-existent photography skills.

So there you have it. What I wore Saturday + me & my makeup.



  1. You look fantastic! And I love your hair color either way!
    Lexi @ Glitter, Inc.

  2. this is such a beautiful sweater! so beautiful for christamas!you have a really great blog too! just found u and now following via gfc and bloglovin! hope you will follow back!

    XO Meghan

  3. Gorgeous snaps and cream really suits your colouring.


  4. Your hair is sooo beautiful!!
    From Paris with love, Vicky

    The Golden Bun

  5. I love your boots and your hair is so gorgeous! New follower :)

  6. oh my goodness, you look so beautiful. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new post and latest style column for xo

  7. Haha, you look great, you've also got a great sense of humor about outfit posts :)

  8. My dear,
    wish you a great 2013 full of dreams to come true. Wish you luck, health, happiness, love, lots of projects, many inspirations and lots of success!

    a big hug


Thank you so much for reading my random blog.. let alone leaving a comment. Your thoughts, be what they may, are always quite welcome here :)