Hi. Hello there. It's nice to meet you again. I've been hiding under my rock lately and decided to pop my head out into the internet this afternoon. I won't even apologize for my absence because I've been in such a slump lately. I'm unable to define the reason why which is ever so frustrating. I think the rain cloud that's been hovering outside for the past month+ has also been sneakily following me. I've been doing everything right too. Family apple picking at the local orchard. Dinner date with my college roommate and her husband. Sleepovers with my friends and family. Things have been going well. I can't even blame it on feeling poor, which is my usual go-to complaint. My wallet has been collecting gift cards for the past few weeks now which I've continued to hoard instead of spend. And yet, still. This sense that somethings missing. It's as if my motivation ran away from me and I don't know how to find it again. Have you ever felt that way? I'm hoping October will bring about crisp, cheery days once more. My sister and I are already busy planning (or in my case, trying to find the motivation to plan) a joint Halloween party. Any ideas to catch some motivation welcome. This game of hide and seek has been wearing on me. Please feel free to list your suggestions below. Ok, thanks!
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