Chef to be.

Good morning my little birdies! Hopefully you're well rested from yet another relaxing summer weekend. I can't wait to share photos from the beautiful wedding we attended Saturday and the Father's Day gift I pulled together, but alas both will have to wait. It appears that while hubs and I were away, our internet decided to take a nose dive and so I post today (quickly) from "another" computer. Eh-hem.

Last week while trying to locate my good ole dad a grilling/BBQ book from B&N, I happened upon this little lovely...

I enjoyed the photographs and instantly was drawn to the recipes which remind me of meals my mom would serve. Not too gourmet. Simple, "normal" ingredients. A cook-in-the-making type of cookbook. And so it was that these pages found their way into my basket. I've been gifted many cookbooks in the past but have never actually purchased or chosen one on my own. I do have grand visions of some day, when hubby and I decide it's time to grow our family, experiencing dinner around the table every evening...just like when I grew up in my family and he in his. The problem? I'm not really much of a cook. Let me re-phrase that. I don't really enjoy cooking (truth be told). I'm certainly not one of those women who prides themselves in whipping together a meal every night (although I'm supremely jealous of those of you who do). Sure, some Frank Sinatra, a glass of wine in hand and a new gourmet recipe? I'm up for that every few weeks but time constraints won't allow for such indulgences daily. Another hindering fact? My taste buds have evolved only to that of about a 5 year old's. In other words, I'm a horribly picky eater. My great cooking potential is seriously limited to a short list of ingredients and meats that I already know I enjoy. Nevertheless, I now have obtained a new-found goal to try and cook 1 recipe per week from said cookbook. One recipe. One single recipe. I think it's an attainable goal and a good start. Because after all, you have to start somewhere right?

I'll let you know how it goes soon!

Purchase possible here.

1 comment:

  1. I was watching Rachel Ray the other morning and she was talking about people that are supertasters, meaning they have extra sensitive taste buds. You should look up the article, very interesting.


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