It's amazing what just a few knick knaks here and there can do to spruce up a small space. I thought it time to add some flourish to our family room, a space we inhabit quite frequently. I have a very bad habit when it comes to our house though. Occasionally (alright, often), when I start cleaning our home, the rooms start to close in on me and I feel utterly overwhelmed. All of a sudden that wall that needs re-painting, the fan that needs replacing, the bathroom I want to renovate... they all scream at me to spend more time and money. And soon, room by room, I'm drowning in a multitude of to-do lists. Then I stop. And I remember to just breathe and be happy with what I have in life. It's not about material possessions. Ahh, so that's a great lesson. I think we can both agree. I will also be the first to admit, however, that I don't take that to mean I'm unable to treat myself every once in awhile to a few new, albeit small, purchases. This weekend's splurges: New candles, to brighten and sweetly scent the room, and beautiful blue hydrangeas I was immediately drawn to from Whole Foods. Sometimes little details feel fresh enough to liven up an entire room, and make you forget about all of the cracks everywhere else. Don't you agree?
those flowers are so, so pretty.