
Our B&B re-cap coming soon. As soon as I can sort through all of the photographs, that is. In the meantime, a little something random...

As was previously mentioned, I'm a bit obsessed with freebies. And coupons. Which is saying a lot because I'm pretty sure I under utilize both. For a few months I went a little overboard with online sweepstakes too. Most of which I never won. I can honestly say though that there have been a few instances where I've managed to receive products in the mail. Somehow nail polish and lip gloss seem so much more exciting when they're free. Below, my new favorite hair product: Redken's Argan - 6 Oil. FREE! As a disclaimer, I must admit that I've never had the pleasure of using the infamous Moroccan Oil so take my recommendation with a grain of salt. I do love how soft this makes my hair feel though! 
Cost: $0.00
 Have you ever won anything exciting? If so, please do share!


  1. No... =( My hubby is the lucky one in this household. It seems that I am always good luck for everyone around me other than myself! =D I bought a Moroccan oil once and thought it was to greasy for my tresses... maybe this would work better! Thanks for sharing!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa

  2. i love freebies and things that come in sample packs, too -- i've had to stop myself from signing up for birchbox on multiple occasions!

    but as you mentioned in your comment on my blog, i loooooove argan oil and you should totally try it as a moisturizer (make sure it's pure argan oil and not mixed with something else, though)! moroccan oil is great, too, and it smells amazing.


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