Tripping to Vermont.

Oh but the views! Those gorgeous winter laden landscapes. And I'm not even one for landscapes typically. Absolutely undeniable it is that there's something breathtaking about Vermont. I couldn't help but snap up a few photographs during our road trip. The scenery makes the ride so much more enjoyable... and bearable, being that it is about an 8.5 hour car ride.

Beautiful Christmas tree farms.

So serene.
We made a small stop in the gorgeous town of Burlington Vermont before heading further north towards Jay Peak. It was such an adorable place! Even the rainy weather didn't keep the sidewalks clear as families strolled the streets everywhere. We happened upon the lovely Leunig's Bistro & Cafe for brunch. The food was exquisite. The atmosphere, right up my ally. The perfect spot to indulge in a hot cup of tea and a hearty, warm meal.

Speaking of up north, we decided it only fitting to stop in and say hello to our fellow neighbors. In french. Ok, well I couldn't actually remember much french. But we were off to see the Canadians! What the hell. Why not? We first visited the town of Magog for coffee, where music plays from speakers lining the street at all times, and Derby Line for... what else? But to stand on the line splitting the Canadian and US border. When we arrived, we were having a little difficulty locating the infamous library which made this all possible. We stopped by the closest Duty Free shop for directions and, to our dismay, were notified that the building was closed for the day. BUT, the clerk also happened to mention that she lived not a minute's distance away and 1/3 of her property was Canadian. Yes, she pays taxes to two different countries. So bizarre! For this reason, the countries had marked her yard with a lovely little divider. She was so incredibly sweet as to invite us back to her home for an impromptu photo-op... and so that we did! I'm still trying to google map her address so that I can send a picture and thank you. Seriously, how kind hearted is she!?

Don't their lights look oddly futuristic??
Bonjour Kenneth!
I'm Canadian. He's US. Ou la la!
Our trip far exceeded our expectations and I can't wait to share moments from the best part... the B&B! Coming SOON :)


  1. It looks like you had so much fun! The scenery is beautiful and I love the photos you took. Can't wait to see the B&B!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

    Confessions of the Cupcake Countessa

  2. Beautiful pics - I hope you had a fab time !

  3. wow! what a fun looking trip. I've never been to the East coast before but it look amazing. I love the pictures you took! So beautiful :)

  4. looks like you had so much fun! Such a pretty place. I should really go there sometimes. Glad you had a good time =D

    Dinx @ Lovely in Random xoxo

  5. Lovely photos!
    The scenery looks so beautiful. Ooohh just looking at that food makes me hungry...

    Much love, Vivi


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